Giulia Angrisani, Mattia Petullà | Belgien 2022 | 87 Min. | Französisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Italienisch mit engl. Untertiteln
SONNTAG, 07.05. | 19:00 Uhr
Votiv Kino, Gr. Saal | TICKETS
In Anwesenheit von Giulia Angrisani und Mattia Petullà

Cecilia, Armelle, Gibbo und Sisco haben sich für ein Leben als Saisonarbeiter auf den Feldern Europas entschieden. Von der Erdbeerernte in Dänemark geht es zur Weinlese nach Frankreich und zum Orangenpflücken in Spanien. Sie bauen eigene temporäre Siedlungen auf Brachland oder schlafen in Nebengebäuden der Bauernhöfe, auf denen sie arbeiten. Ohne zu wissen, was der morgige Tag für sie bringen wird, begehen sie mit voller Entschlossenheit ein Leben im Prekariat und ohne festen Wohnsitz. Am vermeintlichen Rand der Gesellschaft eröffnen sich Räume für das Teilen von Erfahrungen und Träumereien.
TERRA IN VISTA ist eine Geschichte über Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit, persönliche Entwicklungen und das Überwinden eigener Unsicherheiten für ein Leben in Selbstbestimmtheit.
Regie: Giulia Angrisani, Mattia Petullà
Kamera: Giulia Angrisani, Mattia Petullà
Schnitt: Mattia Petullà
Ton: Giulia Angrisani, Mattia Petullà
Produktion: Cyril Bibas / CVB – Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles
Ji.hlava IDFF – Section OPUS BONUM – Czech Republic
L’Europe autour de l’Europe festival – Paris – France
Giulia Angrisani (Naples 1988) is a visual anthropologist. Her researchbased approach includes both documentary and contemporary visual practices, with particular attention to human phenomena of the mental and affective mechanism, both from the relational and experimental point of view. After graduating in Sociology with an anthropological and communication address at the Federico II of Naples, she moved to Lisbon (PT) to undertake a research project with the CRIA – Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, focused on the Anrthropology of Emotions. In 2018 she obtained a Master in Plastic, Visual and Space Arts at the Ecole Supérieure des Art – Ecole de Recherche Graphique in Brussels (BE).
In 2019, thanks to the funding obtained, she made her first feature film TERRA IN VISTA in co-production with the director and editor Mattia Petullà. Her latest long-term work was to perform the audiovisual direction of the theater, dance and performance show LES PROMISES,set and developed in Marseille (FR) together with the Swiss company UNPLUSH. She is currently working on new projects concerning the origins of imagination and the potential of human perception.
Mattia Petullá is graduated in Communication Sciences. He started working with digital video cameras in 2001 in a media-activism television experience. In this context, he produced his first short reportage about an unfinished airport where many illegal immigrants lived, and was finalist for the Ilaria Alpi journalism award. Later he helps to found a small production company in Bologna, still active, with which he works as an editor and director. His first short film as a director “La conquista dell’America” was selected at the XXVII Turin film festival.
Mattia Petullá writes and directs fiction films always working with non-professional actors who in many cases are also the source of the stories he wants to tell having lived them firsthand. He has always pursued an idea of collective and participatory cinema and audiovisual communication in stark contrast to industrial cinema productions.
In recent years he has worked extensively as an editor and has started a fruitful collaboration with Le Fresnoy – working with both the artists who attend the school and with those invited and produced by Le Fresnoy. Just a few weeks ago, he starts the collaboration with the Italian artist Paolo Cirio who deals with media and digital democracy, for ”Capture“, who wants to sensitize public opinion against mass control systems such as facial recognition. He actually works on his first long-length feature documentary film “Terra in vista », produced by CVB in Bruxelles.