Rebana Liz John | Deutschland, Indien 2021 | 80 Min. | Marathi, Hindi, Englisch mit engl. Untertiteln
MITTWOCH, 10.05. | 19:00 Uhr
De France, Saal 1 | TICKETS
In Anwesenheit von Rebana Liz John
DONNERSTAG, 11.05. | 20:00
Brunnenpassage (pay as you wish)
In Anwesenheit von Rebana Liz John

Ein kleines Filmteam begibt sich in die Damenabteile der Nahverkehrszüge in Mumbai. Die Filmemacherin stellt zu Beginn die simple Frage: „Was macht Sie wütend?“ In diesem öffentlichen und zugleich auch geschützten Raum teilen Frauen in zufälligen Begegnungen ihre Ansichten, Ängste und Hoffnungen. Zwischen kämpferischen Ansagen, leidvollen Erzählungen, lustigen Anekdoten und Resignation pendelnd, entsteht ein facettenreiches Bild der modernen indischen Gesellschaft.
In glanzvollem Schwarz-Weiß und ständig in Bewegung zeichnet LADIES ONLY ein feministisches Portrait moderner indischer Frauen, deren Aufbegehren und Streben nach Freiheit über Mumbais Stadtgrenzen hinaus politische Implikationen setzt.
Regie: Rebana Liz John
Kamera: Milann Tress John
Schnitt: Rebana Liz John
Ton: Navya Sah, Ankita Purkayastha, Tim Elzer
Musik: Jin Jim, Daniel Manrique Smith, Nico Stallman, Johann May, Lucas Pizzini
Produktion: Camera Mischief Films
Nominated for the First Steps Award (Nachwuchspreis) in Documentary 2022
Winner: Compass Perspective Prize at the Berlinale 2022 in the Perspective Deutsches Kino Section
Winner: Second Best Documentary at International Documentary and Short Film Festival Kerala 2022;
Busan International Film Festival 2021, South Korea – Nominated for the BIFF Mecenat Award in the Documentary Wide Angle Section
Sheffield DocFest 2022
London Indian FilmFestival 2022
Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2022
Fünf Seen Film Festival 2022
Signs Film Festival Kerala 2022
MAMI-Mumbai Academy of Moving Images Festival 2022
Rebana Liz John is an Indian artist-filmmaker who grew up in Mumbai. Filmmaking became her primary medium while studying at the Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology in Bangalore, India (2004-08). She worked many jobs, assisting artists, filmmakers, eventually managing the video team and making health information videos for a social enterprise. Parallely, she kept her artistic practice alive. She recently graduated from the Post graduate programme in Film/Media Art at the KHM/ Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Germany, where she refined her documentary practice while reframing existing approaches and formats. Her interests lie in non-fiction narratives and the mutating position of an artist/filmmaker in society. Experimentation in non-fiction narratives, art in public space, animation and writing, are her modus operandi. Her documentary ‘Ships outside my window’ has travelled to film festivals around the globe and also won ‘Best Student Documentary’. Her feature length documentary ‘Ladies Only’ premiered at Busan International film Festival 2021, won the Compass Perspective Prize at the Berlinale 2022 and was nominated for the First Steps award 2022.