Dragoș Hanciu | Rumänien 2017 | 28 Min. | OmeU

Ein Film über die Bedeutung von Zeit und Vergänglichkeit. Wir begegnen Ionaș, einem alten rumänischen Bauern, der die Sommernächte damit verbringt, sein Maisfeld gegen die ausgehungerten Wildschweine zu schützen. Während der langen, meist einsamen Stunden und den rhythmischen Kanonenschlägen zur Wildschweinabwehr bleibt viel Zeit für Gedanken, Erinnerungen und die Beschäftigung mit seinen Träumen und Ängsten.

Kamera: Dragoș Hanciu, Ileana Szasz
Schnitt: Maria Bălănean
Ton: Vlad Voinescu, Filip Mureșan
Produzent: Dan Nuțu & Cristina Hoffman
Production company: Aristoteles Workshop Association

Dragoș Hanciu was born in 1993 in Orăștie, Romania. In 2012 he attends UNATC film school in Bucharest where he discovers his interest in documentary filmmaking and photography. He made three short documentaries which are shown in film festivals and artistic contexts in Europe and USA. In 2017 he published his first photo-book, Hometown. Currently he is in the editing of his first feature documentary, as well as working on his photographic projects.

Awards and Nominations

Aristoteles Workshop – Romania, 2016: Best Film Award (2016 edition of the workshop)
Visions du Réel– Switzerland, 2017: Premiers Pas (world premiere)
NexT IFF – Romania, 2017: International Competition (national premiere)
Filmul de Piatră – Romania, 2017: Documentary Competition – Audience Award and Special Jury Mention 
Docuart – Romania, 2017: Documentary Competition – Best Cinematography Award
Astra Film – Romania, 2017: DocSchool Competition 
Silver Eye Award – Czech Republic, 2017: Best Short Documentary nominee
Culese din Balcani – Romania, 2017
EntreVues Film Festival – France, 2017: Short Film Competition – Special Jury Mention
Filmer le travail – France, 2018: International Competition
One World – Romania, 2018: Delicatessen Section
TIFF – Romania, 2018: Romanian Days Section
UCIN Awards – Romania, 2018: Special Mention for directing
Film Festival Herceg Novi – Montenegro, 2018: Documentary Competition – Jury Prize
Fotogalerie Wien – Austria, 2018: Part of the exhibition Landscahft organized by Galeria Posibila. Film programme curated by Ana Szel
Ethnofest – Greece, 2018: Student Film Section
Aux Écrans du Réel – France, 2018: 1er Doc Competition – Special Jury Mention