Jean-Charles Hue | Mexico, France 2017 | 48 Min. | OmeU

Wera who grew up in L.A. and Topo, a Cholo, who spent his life in gangs are a young couple deported back to Mexico. Caught in Tijuana they are getting by through petty theft. The little money they earn goes into drugs and slot machines. However, their life was different at some point, they were a real family with a loving child until the Tijuanian authorities took it away. Time goes by but some wounds don’t and soon Wera’s love for Topo becomes nothing but a bitter memory that accompanies her in her descent into hell.

Website Film

Director: Jean-Charles Hue
Cinematographer: Jean-Charles Hue
Sound: Jean-Charles Hue
Producer: Olivier Marboeuf
Co-Producer: Cédric Walter
Production: Spectre Productions

11/2018: 36th Torino Film Festival, Italy (Waves section)
10/2018: Doclisboa’18, Lisbon, Portugal (International Competition)

Topo y Wera, 2018
Crystal Bullet, 2015
Mange tes morts – Tu ne diras point, 2014
La BM du Seigneur, 2010
II Marta (Short), 2005

Jean-Charles Hue is a French filmmaker born in 1968. Since 2003, he shoots the adventure of the Dorkel’s, a Yeniche family living in the North of France and belonging to the travelling community. In 2009, he directs his first long feature, Carne Viva, in which he explores Tijuana’s urban mythology. In 2010, his first fiction, The Lord’s Ride, between polar and gypsy western. Eat your bones is his last feature.
He is currently preparing a new project Tijuana’s tale.