TEAM 2024
Festival Directors: Marie-Christine Hartig (she/her), Martin Lintner (he/him)
Programme Coordination: Valentina Duelli (she/her), Khadiga Mebarek (she/her)
Guest Office: Hilal Oksar (she/her), Lorenz Zenleser (he/him)
Marketing & Social Media: Valerie Blankenbyl (she/her), Clara Gruber (she/her), Marieluise Röttger (she/her)
Press: Alina Groer, Sky unlimited
Cooperations and Public Relations: Clara Gruber
Sponsoring: Valerie Blankenbyl, Marieluise Röttger
Production: Jonas Schwaiger (he/him)
Technics and Film Prints: Matthias Grausgruber (he/him)
Program Editor: Marieluise Röttger
Translation: Katja Seidel (she/her)
Film Workshop:Flora Mory (she/her), Sophie Wagner (she/her)
Festivaltrailer: Martin Lintner
Graphics Programme Folder: Cati Krüger
Graohics: Martin Lintner
Website: Martin Lintner
Website Editors: Clara Gruber, Khadiga Mebarek
Programme Curation
International Documentary Award (IDA): Marie-Christine Hartig, Martin Lintner, Marieluise Röttger
Austrian Documentary Award (ADA): Marie-Christine Hartig, Martin Lintner
Excellence in Visual Anthropology Award (EVA): Katja Seidel, Sophie Wagner
International Shorts Award (ISA): Rocío Burchard Rodriguez (she/her) Lisa Heuschober (she/her)
Ethnocineca Student Shorts Award (ESSA): Nóra Soponya (she/her),Simone Traunmüller (she/her)
Gender Identities
As we do not want to assume the gender identities of our filmmakers and therefore do not want to reproduce binary, outdated stereotypes, we invite all participants of the film festival to share the personal gender pronouns they use for themselves.
Our intention is to create a gender-inclusive environment, declare our solidarity and de-stigmatise the discourse around gender identity.
Having said this, we of course fully respect the wish not to share one’s personal pronouns as gender identity is a private piece of information. The decision of sharing one’s gender identity is fully up to everyone’s personal choice and by no means required or forced by the festival.
Association for the promotion of audio-visual culture
ethnocineca is organised as an association whose team has made it its mission to promote international documentary cinema in Austria and to strengthen the public accessibility of social science discourses through ethnographic film. The common passion for ethnographic and documentary film is the drive and reason why ethnocineca exists.
ZVR.: 779293375
Statutes (pdf in German)