Jakob Brossmann Finali | Austria, Israel 2010 | 11 Min. | OmeU
“The train started and Eva was running along next to it. This reminded me so much of my emigration, when Richard was running along the train the same way, and I knew I’d never see him again.” With the traveling diary of his great-grandmother and with a lot of questions, Jakob returns from Israel. The first thing on his list is to call his grandmother Eva. ”Spots of light are dissolving slowly out of the flickering black, developing blurred reflexions, and in the end there are faces, people, cities and landscapes. The camera and the montage remind us of a inquisitively blinking child, looking into a different world for the first time, starring at fences with disbelief.
Benchmarks of a family history are becoming apparent, names are mentioned and places indicated. But the conversation stays private. Even though this involves gaps to the un- familiar audience, those specific breaks open an even more all-embracing narrative.” Dominique Gromes