Lukas Schöffel, Maria Lisa Pichler | Austria, Romania 2024 | 75 min. | Romanian, German with English subtitles

MONDAY, 20.05. | 5 pm
Votiv Kino, Gr. Saal | TICKETS

In presence of Lukas Schöffel and Maria Lisa Pichler

© Lukas Schöffel, Maria Lisa Pichler

Maria is the 24-hour carer of a senior citizen in Austria. She commutes between her Romanian home and her workplace and doesn’t see her own family for several weeks. It takes her two days just to travel from Romania to her place of work. Being torn between family and working in other European countries is a familiar way of life for many people in her hometown. But the desire to enable a better life for her family drives her yet again to get back in the car tomorrow.

In MÂINE MĂ DUC, Lukas Schöffel and Maria Lisa Pichler create an empathetic portrait of the cracks in the system and how ‘Austria needs foreign carers much more than they need us’, as Maria says.

Directors: Maria Lisa Pichler, Lukas Schöffel
Cinematography: Lukas Schöffel
Editing: Maria Lisa Pichler
Sound: Johannes Schmelzer-Ziringer, Lenja Gathmann

presented by

Film Website

Graz – Diagonale, Festival des österreichischen Films 2024

Maria Lisa Pichler
Born in Judenburg/Styria in 1991. Studied art and film with Thomas Heise at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (graduated in 2019 with the Academy’s appreciation award for artistic work) and master’s degree in editing at the Vienna Film Academy. Freelance editor and director since 2020. Collaboration on award-winning film projects at home and abroad. Lives and works in Vienna.

Lukas Schöffel
Born in Vienna in 1987. Studied theatre, film and media studies at the University of Vienna from 2008 to 2011. Studied cinematography at the Film Academy Vienna, with Prof. Wolfgang Thaler since 2011. Graduated in 2016 with his bachelor movie Carry On (Esel), which won several festival prizes. In his master degree he studied in Mexico City from 2016 to 2018 at the university „Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica“.
Graduated in March 2023 from his master degree with the film Rupture (Der Riss/ First Steps Award 2023: Best mid-length film; Max Ophüls Preis; Diagonale). He lives and works in Vienna.