Nicolás Onischuk | Argentina 2023 | 90 min. | Spanish, Chedungun with English subtitles

FRIDAY, 17.05. | 9 pm
Kino De France, Saal 1 | TICKETS

Austrian premiere

© Nicolás Onischuk

In the province of La Pampa in the heart of Argentina, old stories of ghosts and spirits have been told for generations. According to oral tradition, these creatures of the night roam under the cover of darkness. They can also be found in caves and lured out by flickering candles placed under trees. The vast, barren landscapes seem to be home to more than just people and livestock. 

LAS APARIENCIAS is an atmospheric and dreamlike picture poem that traces ancient beliefs and sets out in search of spirits. The stories merge vaguely with the impressions to create a filmic proposal to enter what can only be imagined. A film in which Nicolás Onischuk manages to inspire cinema into folklore.

Director: Nicolás Onischuk
Cinematography: Belkis Martin
Editing: Nicolás Onischuk
Sound: Agustina Arrarás, Ciro Rossetti, Nicolás Onischuk
Production: Gastón de la Serna, Belkis Martin, Guido Rossetti, Nicolás Onischuk;
Production company: Moho

Film Website

2024 – Internacional premiere – CPH:DOX, Copenhagen, Denmark
2023 – World premiere – FFD Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Nicolás Onischuk (1987) is an Argentinean visual artist and filmmaker. In his filmography he has explored the landscape and oral tradition of La Pampa, as well as the relationship of human beings with nature and everyday rituals. His experimental and contemplative feature and short films have been screened at national and international festivals.
2024 – Translating one’s own or the symptom to be remembered (WIP) – 60 min.
2023 – Appearances – 90 min.
2022 – Karrusell Sonnenalle – 6 min.
2021 – Colligare herbarium et insecta – 16 min.
2020 – The way of wool – 11 min.
2018 – The noble ultimation of the beast – 14 min.
2016 – Chrono Psi – 3 min.
2015 – Minga – 30 min.
2014 – Way to Sacsayuaman – 3 min. 2012 – Intraframe – 3 min.