Reiner Ernst Riedler | Austria 2024 | 94 min. | German with English subtitles

FRIDAY, 17.05. | 6:30 pm
Votiv Kino, Gr. Saal | TICKETS

In presence of Reiner Riedler

Filmstill from the film “Die guten Jahre” (The Good Years) by Reiner Riedler

At the age of 53, Michael moves back into his childhood bedroom. Traumatised by a long stay in hospital, he suffers from depression. His mother has been diagnosed with incipient dementia and Michael decided to look after her. Their relationship becomes a one of mutual support: with loving care and patience, they look after each other and face life’s challenges together.

In DIE GUTEN JAHRE, Reiner Riedler accompanies his long-time friend and fellow photographer Michael Appelt in a sensitive and amicable manner. Between the heaviness of existence and the confrontation with death, one also finds bright moments of happiness and humour that tell of an extraordinary mother-son relationship.

Director: Reiner Riedler
Cinematography: Reiner Riedler
Editing: Gerhard Daurer, Martin Biribauer
Sound: Andreas Pils / Primitive Studios
Production: Reiner Riedler Filmproduktion

Film Website

DOK.fest München 2024 (Shortlist DOK.deutsch)
Diagonale 2024

Born in 1968 in Gmunden, Austria. He studied ethnology, journalism, African studies and musicology for several semesters. He then attended a photography college at the Graphische in Vienna. Studies of Image Sciences at the Danube University Krems.
Reiner Riedler is actually a a documentary photographer. His focus is always on people and their environment. He scrutinises our value systems, always in search of the fragile beauty of human existence with its longings and abysses.