Felipe Rodríguez Cerda | Chile, France 2022 | 16 min. | Spanish with English subtitles

TUESDAY, 21.05. | 7 pm
De France, Saal 1 | TICKETS

Austrian premiere

© Felipe Rodríguez Cerda

35 years after the Chilean military dictatorship the writings of a relegate are laid over archive footage of Patagonia. Water and resistance sway in the time capsule we call a diary. It takes us to a distant place that only slowly draws closer to the author. CUADERNO DE AGUA immerses viewers in ethnographic material that enables new meanings through its distortion.

Director: Felipe Rodríguez Cerda
Editing: Felipe Rodríguez Cerda, Margarita Carrasco
Sound: Matias Mandujano
Production: Notaría de Dudas

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Film Website

2022: 8º FECILS – Festival Internacional de Cine de La Serena / Best Film «Territorio Regional Documental» (October, CHILE).
2022: FICVIÑA – Festival Internacional de Cine de Viña del Mar / Best Film «Miradas al territorio» (November, CHILE).
2022: 11° Cortópolis – Festival Latinoamericano de Cortometrajes / Special Mention of the Jury (November, ARGENTINA).
2022: 11º Tenemos Que Ver, Festival Internacional de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Uruguay /
Prize of the «International Short Film Competition» (November, URUGUAY).
2023: Festival Internacional de Cine UNAM (Junio, MEXICO). Mention of the Jury-Competetion «Umbrales».

2022: 31º Festival de Biarritz Amérique Latine – (Septiember, FRANCE). WORLD PREMIERE
2022: 29º FICValdivia – Festival Internacional de Cine de Valdivia – (October, CHILE).
2022: 3º Lima Alterna Festival Internacional de Cine – (Octobre, PERÚ)
2022: 21º EDOC – Festival Internacional de Cine Documental «Encuentros del Otro Cine» (October, ECUADOR).
2022: 17º Arica Nativa – Festival Internacional de Películas Nativas Arica Nativa (November, CHILE).
2022: 42º FIFAM – Festival international du film d’Amiens – (November, FRANCE).
2022: Corriente: Encuentro Latinoamericano de Cine de No Ficción- (November, PERÚ).
2022: 5.ª FRONTERA SUR Festival Internacional de Cine de No ficción – (November, CHILE).
2022: Fidocs – Festival Internacional Documentales Santiago Chile (November, CHILE).
2022: 14th FICIQQ Iquique International Film Festival – Short Film Competition – (December, CHILE).
2022: 16mm Film Festival Harkat (December, INDIA).
2023: 15º Festival de Cine Chileno-FECICH (January, CHILE)
2023: 40° Les Rencontres du Cinéma Latino-Américain (March, FRANCE).
2023: LASA Internacional Film Festival (Mayo, Canadá) (Mayo, Canadá)
2023: 8º Festival Internacional de Cine de la UNAM (Junio, México)

Felipe Rodríguez Cerda (Chile, 1995), anthropologist, filmmaker and writer. He has made the documentary Los Vecinos del Abuelo (2019), the audiovisual essay Incidents in the Laboratory (2020), co-directed the audiovisual essay Annotations for a video-obituary (2020), Cuaderno de Agua (2022) and published the collection of poems Estelas of Phosphorescent Condors (2018). He also published the research book “Casa-Mar: the sailing boat through the western insular Patagonia”. They currently reside in the south of Chile, and their lines of work are research and experimentation with archives and microhistory of the southern territories.