Dimitra Kofti | Bulgaria, Germany 2018 | 55 Min.

Austrian Premiere

Pernik is past its best. Once known as one of the most important industrial cities in Bulgaria, today huge supermarkets are lined up alongside the ruinous factory buildings, unemployment is high, and prospects are bleak in times of post-socialist reality. In the midst of the desolated cityscape between the Soviet past and the capitalist realities of the 21st century, Cracks accompanies city dwellers through this period of upheavals.
A film about historical and economic changes and about people who have experienced both the industrial rise and the subsequent decline.

Director: Dimitra Kofti
Cinematography: Nicola Zambelli
Editing: Armando Duccio Ventriglia

Thessaloniki Film Festival – World Premiere
Athens Ethnographic Film Festival
Istanbul International Architecture and Urban Films Festival
Premio Gavioli – Finalist

Dimitra Kofti is an anthropologist interested in work, precarity, shifting temporalities, and film. She has conducted research on changing work relations, in the context of flexibilisation of labour in post-socialist Bulgaria. Cracks(2018) is her first film conducted in collaboration with the film maker Nicola Zambelli, based on her long term fieldwork on (de)industrialisation in Pernik (Bulgaria). Her current project is about financialisation, indebtedness and political contestation in Greece. Dimitra is an assistant professor at the Department of Anthropology, Panteion University of Social and Political Science (Athens, Greece).