Tanja Wol-Sorensen | Colombia, Denmark 2014 | 20 Min. | OmeU   

What does it mean for people, who overtake the responsibility for victims of armed conflicts and to talk for them? Breaking the Silence offers an intimate insight of human rights activists Ruby and Luz, who confront themselves with the daily political violence in Columbia. The film shows their everyday lives, which are marked by the constant potentiality of violence, something that shrouds their interactions with people and the environment in insecurity and uncertainty. The armed conflict in Colombia has lasted more than 50 years, and it constitutes a complex field of armed actors fighting over economic and political power. The violence has had grave consequences for the civilian population, and especially human rights activists are threatened, harassed and targeted by paramilitary groups or state actors for denouncing the violations of human rights by the armed actors in the conflict. The objective for making a film about this subject has particularly been to let threatened people, who are silenced by the state, have a voice in a medium from which they have been excluded in a national setting.