Richard Wilhelmer | Germany, Austria 2018 | 82 Min. | OmeU

The life of the homeless philosopher Fritz Joachim Rudert from Berlin does not conform to mainstream society’s standard. Prompted by his negative experiences with mental health treatment, he fights for an improved right of self-determination which goes beyond pathologising diagnoses. During interviews scientists from different disciplines explain that it is economic interests which pressure people into being functional and “normal”. “Anomalie” reveals the frightening dimension with which politics is tampering with the human psyche.

presented by

Website Film

Director: Richard Wilhelmer
Producer and screenwriter: Richard Wilhelmer und Daniel Haingartner
Cinematographer: Serafin Spitzer
Editing: Alexander Murygin

Diagonale – Graz – 2018
Kasselerdokfest – Kassel 2018
Thishumanworldfilmfestival – Wien 2018

Filmography as director
Anomalie | 2018 | 82 min
Hypnodrom | 2017 | 5min | sixpackfilm
U.F.O.s Above Berlin II | 2013 | 19 min, 35mm | sixpackfilm Adams Ende | 2011 | 80 min | Filmladen, sixpackfilm
Strange Love | 2010 | 5 min | sixpackfilm

Richard Wilhelmer (*1983), born in Austria, lives and works in Berlin and Vienna. He studied at Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), Central Saint Martins Summer School in London and as fellow at CalArts (California Institute of the Arts), Los Angeles. Holder of the ‘Start-Stipendium’ 2011, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs. Appointment to ‘Meisterschüler’ by Prof. Emigholz at UdK in 2012. DrehbuchWerkstatt Munich – Styria in 2013.