10949 WOMEN

10949 WOMEN  

Nassima Guessoum | France, Algeria 2014 | 76 Min. | OmeU   

In Algiers, the filmmaker meets Nassima Hablal, a forgotten heroine of the Algerian revolution. Over the course of five years she visits this fascinating woman and listens to the story of Nassima and her friends about memories from the past – a past where they fought for the liberation of Algiers. The charm and the charisma of the protagonist accompanies us in this intimate portray and brings the times where Nassima worked as the secretary of the political head of the FLN, National Front of Liberation back to live. The personal and lovely relationship allows a rare intimacy, and the film goes beyond oral transmission of History. 10949 Womenis foremost a story about and between women, but also a universal story that tries to raise the question of: what is freedom and what is the price for freedom?