Eric Esser | Deutschland, Frankreich, Spanien 2019 | 11 Min. | OmeU

Eine innereuropäische Grenze. Heute und gestern. Spanien und Frankreich. Ein Gemälde von Paul Klee. Dazu ein Gedicht von Walter Benjamin. Fluchtversuch. Sichtbar gemacht der Zahn der Zeit. Briefe an Europa. Verschiedene Plätze im spanischen Portbou und im französischen Cerbère. Das Gestern und das Heute, so schwer zu unterscheiden. Offene Grenzen hätten Leben gerettet.

Aufbauend auf Benjamins Text Über den Begriff der Geschichte zu Klees Bild Angelus Novus erzählt DER ENGEL DER GESCHICHTE in lyrisch-essayistischer Form klug durchdacht und visuell einprägsam, wie sich die europäischen Innen- und Außengrenzen im Lauf der Zeit entwickelt haben. Ein schaler Nachgeschmack bleibt auf jeden Fall.

Idea, Script and Direction: Eric Esser
Co-Author and Editing: Evelyn Rack
Cinematography: Michael Zimmer
Music Composing: Matija Strniša
Sound Design and Mixing: Ludwig Müller
Voice Recording: Billie Jagodzinska
Color Correction: Sally Shamas
Postproduction: Colja Krugmann
Title Design: Sandra Dollo
Production: Eric Esser 

Awards and Screenings (Selection)
21.11.2019  –  Best Non-Fiction, 19. Flensburger Kurzfilmtage, Flensburg, Germany 
18.12.2019  –  Selected for the German Short Film Association catalogue of 100 exceptional current German short films 2020
03.01.2020  –  Selected for the international promotional DVD of „German Short Films“
21.01.2020  –  Special Jury Mention, Short of the Year, Madrid, Spain 
27.01.2020  –  Selected fo the German market screening of „German Short Films“ at the International Short Film Festival in Clermont-Ferrand
17.02.2020  –  4 Stars– Indy Film Library, Amsterdam, Netherlands
15.05.2020  –  Nominated to the German Short Film Awardby the German Short Film Association
28.05.2020  –  Seal of Approval „especially valuable“ – German Film Quality Assessment Board (FBW)
05.06.2020  –  Best Short Documentary– Student Short Showcase 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands
19.07.2020  –  Jury-Award „Best Documentary“ (Student category)– 9th Kolkata Short International Film Festival, India
25.08.2020  –  Best Documentary– Film in Focus Int. Film Festival, Bukarest, Rumänien
29.08.2020  –  Best Experimental Documentary– 2ndThe Best Film Festival
30.08.2020  –  1. Publikumspreis– Kunstgriff Rolle, Heide, Germany
30.08.2020  –  2. Jurypreis– Kunstgriff Rolle, Heide, Germany
30.08.2020  –  Best Screenplay– Reale Film Festival, Mailand, Italien
22.09.2020  –  Platinum Award (Short Documentary Film)– Short Screen Awards, Jakarta, Indonesia
25.09.2020  –  Platinum Award (Cinematography Short Documentary)– Cinematography Screen Awards, Jakarta, Indonesia
18.10.2020  –  Best Student Documentary– 9thDelhi Shorts International Film Fest,India
26.10.2020  –  Best Documentary Short Film– 6thBangkokThai International Film Festival, Bangkok, Thailand
31.10.2020  –  Best Student Experimental– 2ndIndie Doc Pro, Barcelona, Spain

Eric Esser made his first short film in 2003. Upon completion of his studies in media informatics at Beuth University of Applied Sciences, he worked for the Berlin Social Science Center. In 2005 he began his studies at the Filmarche Berlin, a self-governed film school where he majored in directing and documentary film-making. 
He is currently a member of the Filmarche Elders’ Council and engaged in the AG DOK, a working group for documentary film-making. 2019 he finished his Master’s Degree in documentary film-making at the Konrad Wolf Film University in Potsdam, Germany. Eric Esser lives and works in Berlin.