Cláudia Varejão | Portugal 2020 | 102 Min. | OmeU

AMOR FATI sucht nach sich ergänzenden Teilen: nach Paaren, Freund*innen, Familien und Tieren mit ihren Besitzer*innen. Sie teilen sich die Intimität des Alltags, Gewohnheiten, Überzeugungen, Geschmäcker und sogar einige äußere Merkmale. Ihre Gesichter und Gesten enthüllen die Geschichten, die sie verbinden.
Ein Film voller Zuneigung, der eine einzigartige Vision der Liebe aus Aristophanes‘ Rede auf Platons Symposion heraufbeschwört: „Ist es das etwa, was ihr wünscht, möglichst an demselben Ort miteinander zu sein und euch Tag und Nacht nicht voneinander zu trennen? Denn wenn es euch hiernach verlangt, so will ich euch in eins verschmelzen und zusammenschweißen, so dass ihr aus zweien einer werdet…“.
Director and Image: Cláudia Varejão (she/her)
Editing: João Braz (he/him), Cláudia Varejão
Sound: Cláudia Varejão, Takashi Sugimoto (he/him), Adriana Bolito (she/her)
Sound Editing: Elsa Ferreira
Sound Design: Daniel Almada, Elsa Ferreira
Sound Mix: Hugo Leitão, Daniel Almada
Color Correction: Paulo Américo
Design: Ilhas
Production: João Matos (he/him), Vadim Jendreyko (he/him), Jérôme Blesson
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Visions du Réel, Switzerland ’20
Open-Air à Fribourg, Switzerland ’20
Doclisboa, Portugal ’20
Caminhos do Cinema Português, Portugal ’20
Solothurner Filmtage – Journées de Soleure, Switzerland ’21
Claudia Varejão was born in Porto and studied at the Creativity and Artistic Creation Program of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foun¬dation, in partnership with the German Film und Fernsehakade-mie Berlin and the São Paulo International Film Acadamy. She also studied Photography at AR.CO in Lisbon. Claúdia is the author of the short film trilogy Weekend, A Cold Day and Morning Light. Ama-san, a portrait of japanese divers, was her feature debut, receiving dozens of awards around the world, followed by In The Darkness of the Theater I Take Off My Shoes, a film that shows the intimacy between a group of dancers within a dance company. Amor Fati is her latest film scheduled to premiere in 2020 and in Wolf and Dog, in development, she will return to fiction. Cláudia’s films have been selected for and awarded at the most prestigious film festivals, including Locarno, Rotterdam, Visions du Reel, Cine¬ma du Reel, Karlovy Vary, Art of the Real – Lincoln Center, among many others. Besides her work as a filmmaker, she developed a career as a photographer and she’s a guest professor at AR.CO and the Catholic University of Porto. Her work, whether in film, photography, documentary or fiction, is based on its proximity to the people portrayed.