Roberto Anjari-Rossi | Chile, Germany 2015 | 83 Min. | OmeU
As different as they are, this is also how they get on so well together. If anything has to be repaired in their house, young Laura grabs her toolbox. Her grandma Rose purges local children of evil spirits. If Laura, who isn’t the frightened type, walks home at night after an evening out, she gets a sermon from grandma. A little later, the two women confide in each other again, as in one of the many lovingly observed moments in this documentary. Rosa still often thinks of Juan – her one true love who died in 2010, and the filmmaker’s uncle. Rosa and Laura don’t think much of most other men. Laura would prefer to be car mechanic than a housewife. Roberto Anjari-Rossi sets this intimate double portrait against the background of a community where religion is important and men and women inhabit different worlds. To get closer, literally and metaphorically, the director and his camerawoman spent three months living with Rosa and Laura.