Anastasia Shubina, Timofey Glinin | USA 2023 | 38 Min. | Russisch, Englisch mit engl. Untertiteln
DIENSTAG, 21.05. | 21:00 Uhr
Kino De France, Saal 1 | TICKETS
zusammen mit ENEZ & VELHICE

Das Leben an der Küste des arktischen Ozeans in Tschukotka dreht sich um die Jagd auf Walrosse und Wale und den Schutz der Dörfer vor Bären, die aus der Tundra kommen. Meerestiere sind die Hauptnahrungsquelle der Chukchi und Inuits, Tierreste werden als Futter für Polarfüchse auf einer Pelzfarm verwendet und die Friedhöfe werden von Bären heimgesucht. Es scheint, dass alle Bewohner*innen dieser Region in den spirituellen Kreislauf von Nahrung und Tod eingebunden sind.
Die Klänge des schamanischen Sterberituals führen durch den Film. Im Rhythmus des Rituals folgt PIBLOKTO den Veränderungen, die durch planetarische Krisen auf die Dorfgemeinschaften einwirken, und öffnet den Blick auf die harmonische Beziehung der Menschen zu ihrem Lebensraum.
Regie: Anastasia Shubina,Timofey Glinin
Kamera: Anastasia Shubina,Timofey Glinin
Schnitt: Anastasia Shubina,Timofey Glinin
Ton: Ilya Dunaev
Produktion: Timofey Glinin, Gregory Bagaev
Cinéma du réel — Festival international du film documentaire, Competition, Paris, World Premiere. March 25, 2023. “Prix des détenues” AWARD
Sheffield DocFest — Sheffield International Documentary Festival, Official selection 2023, Sheffield, UK, UK premiere. 16 May 2023.
Beat Film Festival, international documentary festival, National competition 2023, Moscow, Russia, Russian Premiere. V-A-C foundation AWARD
DokuBaku International Documentary Film Festival, Baku, Azerbaijan, September 26, 2023, Best Short Documentary AWARD
Festival Cinemistica, Granada, Spain, November 20, 2023, Best Anthropological Film AWARD
Festival des Courts en hiver, Porto-Vecchio, France, January 25, 2024, Official selectionFestival des Courts en hiver, Porto-Vecchio, France, January 25, 2024, Official selection
International Film Festival “The World of Knowledge”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, October 7, 2023, National competition, GRAND PRIX
National award ‚Laurel Branch‘, shortlisted for the Best Debut.
National award ‚Dziga Vertov Prize‘, shortlisted for the Best Debut.
Musée du quai Branly — Jacques Chirac, Paris, France, Screening at 28 May 2023. The film is part of the museum’s collection
Anastasia Shubina and Timofey Glinin are multidisciplinary artists working in various media – documentary and experimental film, video art, photography and performance. They work together from 2018. They are currently based in San Francisco, USA.
Anastasia Shubina is a visual artist from Saint Petersburg, she studied film directing at St. Petersburg School of New Cinema, photography at Docdocdoc School of Modern Photography and philosophy at Saint Petersburg State University. Her films were shown at a number of international film festivals and won awards. Her photographic projects were presented at solo and group exhibitions, won international competitions and were published in photographic magazines and online platforms. In her personal projects, Anastasia explores the themes of mythology, anthropology and historical trauma.
Timofey Glinin is a multidisciplinary artist form Saint Petersburg, he studied film directing at St. Petersburg School of New Cinema and science (biology) at Saint Petersburg State University. He is an independent filmmaker and photographer. His works were presented on a number of international film festivals and won awards, his photo projects were shown at solo and group exhibitions, and he is an author of a number of science art performances. In his personal projects, Timofey explores the themes of cultural practices, ethnography and modern science.