Paul Scholten, Conrad Winkler, Matthäus Wörle | Germany 2020 | 30 Min. | OmeU
16.05. | 5pm
De France, Saal 1 | TICKETS
In presence of Conrad Winkler and Matthäus Wörle
“I was a toiler on the sea.” The globalised luxury of the wealthy part of humankind is shipped all over the world. But hardly anyone sees the people who are required to do so, and little is known about the working conditions on the huge container ships.
SEALAND gives voice to the largely Filipino ship workers and lets them tell stories of their life at sea and the hardships that come with it. These reports about difficult working conditions, exploitation and racism are framed by images of the busy and frugal life and daily routine on the ship.
with: Arturas, Ernie, Gennie, Jearson, Jibb, Joel, John, Lay, Marc Glenn, Paterno, Ronnic, Ryan
Directors: Paul Scholten (he/him), Conrad Winkler (he/him), Matthäus Wörle (he/him)
Camera: Paul Scholten, Matthäus Wörle
Editing: Paul Scholten, Conrad Winkler, Matthäus Wörle, Agata Wozniak
Sound: Conrad Winkler
Production: Julian Coromines, Paul Scholten, Conrad Winkler, Matthäus Wörle
presented by
Kino, Mond & Sterne – Kurzfilm Premierenabend 2021
Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München – Jahresschau 2021
Juvinale – Nachwuchsfilmfest Salzburg 2021
Kurzsuechtig – Mitteldeutsches Kurzfilmfestival 2021 (Winner – Audience Award)
Filmschoolfest Munich 2021
Unlimited Hope – Human Rights Film Award 2021
Stuttgarter Filmwinter – Festival For Expanded Media 2022 Künzelsau 2022 (Winner – Jury Award)
Flimmern & Rauschen – Jugendfilmfestival München 2022
Paul Scholten studies production and media business at the HFF Munich. The focus of his films is on emotional storytelling of socially relevant stories and highquality project realization. His films have been screened at international festivals and have won several awards. Together with Matthäus Wörle and Conrad Winkler he realized “Sealand” as director and producer. In addition to his short films, he has also produced spec spots, including “Silence Out Of Control”, which won silver at the ADC Award and Clio Award and was nominated among the top 10 at the German Advertising Film Award 2021.
Conrad Winkler was born in 1997 in Halle (Saale), Germany. He started creating his own film projects while he was still at school and was awarded several regional prizes. After leaving school, he volunteered for one year at the Fontane-Festspiele festival in Neuruppin. Conrad Winkler started his degree in Documentary Filmmaking at the University of Television and Film Munich in 2017. He is scholarship holder of German Academic Scholarship Foundation.
Matthäus Wörle was born in 1991. He studied journalism at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Then he went through a video journalism scholarship from the Mediencampus Bayern. Further professional positions followed at Süddeutsche Zeitung, Bayerischer Rundfunk and nautilusfilm GmbH. Now he works as a freelance video journalist and is studying documentary film at the University of Television and Film in Munich.